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Malesian Euphorbiaceae Descriptions |
Welzen, P.C. van. 1994. Taxonomy, phylogeny, and geography of Neoscortechinia Hook.f. ex Pax (Euphorbiaceae). Blumea 39: 301318.
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Neoscortechinia Hook.f. ex Pax in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Nacht. (1897) 213; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 147, xiv, add. VI (1919) 52; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1963) 497; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 310; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 119; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 177; Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8 (1980) 175; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 333; Alph. Enum. Euph. Philipp. Is. (1983) 38; Welzen, Blumea 39 (1994) 307; Radcl.-Sm., Gen. Euphorbiacearum (2001) 120; Welzen in Welzen & Chayam., Fl. Thailand 8, 2 (2007) 455; G.L.Webster in Kubitzki, Fam. Gen. Vasc. Pl. 11 (2014) 105. Scortechinia Hook.f. non Sacc. (1885) in Hook., Ic. Pl. 8 (Nov. 1887) pl. 1706, nom. illeg.; Fl. Br. India 5 (Dec. 1887) 366; Pax in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. III, 5 (1890) 118; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Indiλ 3, 1 (1900) 222; Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 11 (1916) 75. Type: Scortechinia kingii Hook.f. [= Neoscortechinia kingii (Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm.]. See note 1.
Alcinaeanthus Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 7 (1912) 379. Type: Alcinaeanthus philippinensis Merr. [= Neoscortechinia philippinensis (Merr.) Welzen]
Trees, dioecious. Indumentum consisting of simple, appressed or patent, short or long hairs, and stellately bundled hairs, at least on the young parts to all-over. Stipules early caducous, outside pilose, inside glabrous to pilose. Leaves alternate, simple; petiole apically transversely grooved abaxially, basally and apically pulvinate; lamina not punctate, symmetric to asymmetric, base rounded to attenuate, without (N. kingii) or with 2 brown glands on the upper surface; margin subentire to dentate, flat, in every tooth a gland on the lower surface; apex acute to cuspidate; upper surface smooth, (sub)glabrous, darker than lower surface, latter smooth, glabrous to hirsute; venation pinnate, (flat to) raised above, raised below, nerves looped and closed near the margin, marginal vein present, intercalary nerves often present, tertiary veins (sub)scalariform, quaternary veins reticulate. Inflorescences axillary to (pseudo)terminal thyrses, branching 2 or 3 times racemosely, more so in males than in females, staminate ones bearing far more flowers than the pistillate ones, (sub)sericeous to hirsute; branches in males flat; cymules 17-flowered, (basally dichasial to) scorpioid; bracts to the inflorescences involute, hirsute at both sides; bracts to the flowers outside sericeous, inside glabrous, often either with 2 glands or 2 bracteoles at the base in pistillate flowers (and in staminate flowers). Flowers actinomorphic, ± 4-merous, yellow, fragrant; pedicels elongating in fruit; sepals 4 or 5 (6), imbricate with 2 (smaller) outside the other overlapping inner ones; persistent in fruit; petals and disc absent. Staminate flowers: stamens 59, filaments flat, anthers basifixed, opening latro-introrse (to latrorse) with a lengthwise slit, thecae separated by a connective; receptacle with small hirsute scales between the stamens; pistillode reduced to 2 or 3 hirsute bracts. Pistillate flowers: ovary 2-locular, hirsute; ovules 1 per locule, epitropous, descending, anatropous, subapically attached to the column; funicle flat; aril developing as two lobes around ovule; style absent; stigmas 2, split into 2 (or 3) lobes, apex of latter sometimes slightly split. Fruits rhegmas, ellipsoid, grey, densely puberulous outside, inside glabrous, sutures as 4 longitudinal ribs when immature, falling apart into 4 equal parts, septum pressed against the endotesta when 1-seeded, column remaining after dehiscence; wall up to 1(2) mm thick, woody; endotesta membranous. Seeds 1 (or 2) per fruit, ovoid (or with one flat side if 2-seeded), smooth, glabrous, black, covered by a thin, red, fleshy aril. Embryo flat, surrounded by 11.5 mm thick endosperm; cotyledons laterally besides each other; plumule and radicle apically on embryo.
Distribution Six species are known, all more or less endemic to Malesia, 4 are wide-spread in W Malesia, of which one up to the Nicobar Is. and one has once been found in Burma; one species is endemic in NE Borneo; and one is wide-spread over New Guinea and the Solomons.
Notes 1. Hooker (1887) described Scortechinia in honour of the late Father Scortechini, Soc. Jes., who collected in Perak, Malaysia. However, a few years earlier Saccardo has used the same name for a new fungi genus and Hooker's name is a later, illegitimate name, which had to be renamed as is done by Pax (1897) using the name Neoscortechinia.
2. The distinction between the species is difficult, especially between N. nicobarica and N. philippinensis (lead 6). Sometimes, like in lead 3, the overlap may seem rampant, but the species against which N. angustifolia keys out have different types of indumentum or have different parts pilose and they usually possess much smaller leaves.
1a. |
Base of the leaves with 2 glands at the upper side (check several leaves!) |
1b. |
Base of the leaves without 2 glands |
2a. |
Flower pedicel more than 0.3 mm long; anthers 0.30.5 by 0.3-0.4 mm, opening latro-introrsly. W Malesia |
2b. |
Flower pedicel absent or up to 0.3 mm long; anthers 0.50.8 by 0.40.7 mm, opening more latrorsly. E Malesia, Solomons |
3a. |
Leaves 4.230 by 212.5 cm, index 1.82.9(3.4). Petioles glabrous to hirsute, lower surface of leaves glabrous to hirsute, inflorescences (sub)sericeous to hirsute. W Malesia (incl. NE Borneo) |
3b. |
Leaves 16.538 by 5.511.5 cm, index 2.63.3. Petioles (sub)glabrous, lower surface of leaves (sub)glabrous, inflorescences sericeous. NE Borneo |
4a. |
Lower surface of leaves glabrous to (sub)pilose on the basal part of the midrib and the basal nerves. Inflorescences (sub)sericeous to pilose |
4b. |
Lower surface of leaves hirsute to subhirsute on at least a few of the nerves. Inflorescences hirsute |
5a. |
5b. |
Neoscortechinia angustifolia (Airy Shaw) Welzen, Blumea 39 (1994) 301; Welzen, Blumea 39 (1994) 309, Fig. 4. Neoscortechinia sumatrensis S. Moore var. angustifolia Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 368; Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 179. Type: Kamis 4272 (K, holo; iso in L), British North Borneo (Sabah), Tawau, Umas-umas.
Tree up to 20 m high, d.b.h. up to 35 cm; flowering branches 35 mm thick, young ones pilose. Bark smooth, brownish to yellow brown, up to 8 mm thick; inner bark reddish to yellowish; sapwood white to light yellow to pale brownish yellow. Stipules triangular, 1.21.5 by 0.51 mm. Leaves: petiole 2.86.8 cm long, round in transverse section, (sub)glabrous; lamina obovate, 16.538 by 5.511.5 cm, index 2.63.3, (thin-)coriaceous, symmetric, base (rounded to) cuneate to attenuate, with glands, margin laxly dentate, flat, teeth short, apex acuminate to cuspidate, very apex acute, upper surface greenish when dry, lower surface (sub)glabrous, venation with 810 nerves per side, seldom with intercalated nerves, nerves arching. Inflorescences sericeous; main branch up to 23 cm long; bracts to the inflorescences triangular, 2.55.5 by 0.82 mm; bracts to the staminate and pistillate cymules with glands; bracts to the flowers triangular to ovate, 0.40.9 by 0.30.6 mm, only outside pilose, with glands, often also in staminate flowers. Flowers: pedicels 0.30.9 mm long in flower. Staminate flowers 22.2 mm in diam.; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 1.21.8 by 1.21.8 mm, (sub)glabrous outside in staminate flowers; stamens 5 or 6, filaments 0.40.5 mm long, especially basally hirsute, anthers c. 0.3 by 0.3 mm. , Pistillate flowers not seen. Fruits only seen immature, c. 2 by 1.1 cm; sepals subsericeous. Seeds immature, c. 1.6 by 0.8 cm.
Distribution Borneo (E Sabah, NE Kalimantan).
Habitat & Ecology Found on low, undulating hills in primary forest, logged forest, secondary forest, along paths and rivers. Soil: black sand, sandstone, lime. Altitude: 10300 m. Flowering: March to July; fruiting: June to October.
Vernacular names Borneo: Talu talu (Murud); tambalikan (Brunei).
Neoscortechinia forbesii Hook.f. ex S.Moore, J. Bot. (Brit. & For.) 62 (1924) 54, see note 1; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 369, p.p. (E Malesian specimens); Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 7 (1980) 175, p.p. (E Malesian specimens); Whitmore, Guide For. Brit. Sol. Is. (1966) 70; Welzen, Blumea 39 (1994) 310, Fig. 5. [Scortechinia forbesii Hook.f. in Hook., Ic. Pl. 8 (Nov. 1887) pl. 1706, nom. nud.; Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 11 (1916) 76, nom. nud.; Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 147, xiv, add. VI (1919) 53, nom. nud]. Type: Forbes 434 (K, holo; iso in A, BM, L), New Guinea, Sogeri Region.
Neoscortechinia nicobarica auct. non.: Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 20 (1967) 413; Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 7 (1980) 176, p.p. (E Malesian specimens).
Tree up to 36 m high, d.b.h. up to 75 cm; sometimes buttresses up to 2.4 m high by 1.5 m long; flowering branches 24 mm thick, young parts slightly sericeous. Outer bark light (reddish) brown and/to grey, smooth, peeling with small to large flakes, covered with irregularly lenticellar pustules, c. 0.5 mm thick; inner up to 8 mm thick, yellow to (light to dark) brown to red or with alternate orange and pink layers; exudate absent to clear to yellow; wood whitish to yellow(-brown), quite hard, sapwood indistinct. Stipules triangular, 1.21.6 by 0.70.8 mm. Leaves: petiole 1.25.7 cm long, round in transverse section, subglabrous; lamina elliptic (to obovate), 5.520 by 2.510.5 cm, index 1.42.4, coriaceous, symmetric, base broadly attenuate to attenuate, with glands, margin subdenticulate to laxly dentate, flat, teeth short, apex acuminate, very apex rounded (to acute), upper surface brown when dry, lower surface (sub)glabrous, venation with 7 or 8 (9) nerves per side, with intercalated nerves, nerves arching. Inflorescences (sub)sericeous; main branch up to 9 cm long; bracts to the inflorescences triangular, 2.44.3 by 0.31.1 mm; bracts to the cymules with bracteoles or with glands; bracts to the flowers triangular, 0.82 by 0.51.3 mm, only outside pilose, often with small glands, also in staminate flowers. Flowers: pedicels absent to up to 0.3 mm long in flower; sepals 4, ovate, 1.32.3 by 1.42.6 mm, outside and margin slightly pilose. Staminate flowers c. 2 mm in diam.; stamens 6(8), filaments 11.2 mm long, especially basally subhirsute, anthers 0.50.8 by 0.40.7 mm, opening more or less latrorse. Pistillate flowers 2.33.8 mm in diam.; ovary 22.6 by 1.41.6 mm; lobes of stigma 0.30.7 mm long, apex sometimes slightly split. Fruits 2.12.8 by 1.41.7 (1-seeded)2 (2-seeded) cm. Seeds 1.72.3 by 1.11.2 cm. Embryos: cotyledons 1113 by 6.29 mm; plumule and radicle c. 2 mm long.
Distribution Solomon Is. and in Malesia: New Guinea.
Habitat & Ecology On flat to steep, sometimes inundated country in primary, secondary, and mixed hill forest with Anisoptera (Dipterocarpaceae), Elaeocarpus, and Sloanea (Elaeocarpaceae), along swamps, along water. Soil: sand, clay, (limestone). Altitude: sea level up to 670 m. Rare to rather common. Flowering: April to December; (Young) fruits: whole year through.
Vernacular names Irian Jaya: Airem (Manawee); djang (Bko); kir, koeh (Asmat); mansambree (Biak); na (Kebar); rokohop (Digoel); sikain (Tehid); wolok (Mooi). Papua New Guinea: Alimboombu (Rabaul); bambam, sambaia, wawak, yehaye (Amele); bambam, gini, panama (Bilia); boko'au, gokoa, magubu, waskia (Faita); dumpahop, garus, parankok (Dumpu); iku aunga (Bush Mekeo). Solomon Islands: Aiasila (Kwara'ae; Whitmore, 1966).
Notes 1. Neoscortechinia forbesii has been a nomen nudum for a long time, even the description of S.Moore (1924) can hardly be called a description, but it contains more than just label data. The real proper description is by Whitmore (1966). The species has usually been confused with N. philippinensis (see note 3 for the differences).
2. The specimens of the Solomon Is. are often slightly different, usually the teeth along the leaf margin are more distinct, just like the glands on the leaf base and the glands at the base of the flower bracts. The leaf apex is usually more acute and the nerves show a sharper angle with the midrib than the New Guinean specimens.
3. The differences between N. forbesii, N. nicobarica, and N. philippinensis are slight. Neoscortechinia forbesii is different in having (sub)sessile flowers, larger anthers, and flower bracts which are higher than wide (in the others lower than wide or as high as wide), but this species resembles N. philippinensis most. Both more or less appear to be glabrous or (inflorescence) sericeous at most, and the nerves are arching with intercalary nerves in between. Neoscortechinia nicobarica appears to be more pilose, usually has more nerves, which are less arching. The leaf base of N. nicobarica is often rounded to obtuse, but can be acute, in the sympatric N. philippinensis it is always acute to attenuate, and in the allopatric N. forbesii the base ranges from broadly to narrowly attenuate.
4. The specimen BSIP 9715 nicely shows the homology between the bracteoles and the glands in the inflorescence, flower bracts either show the glands or the bracteoles at their base.
Neoscortechinia kingii (Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 147, xiv, add. VI (1919) 52; S.Moore, J. Bot. (Brit. & For.) 63, Suppl. (1925) 100; Burkill, Dict. Econ. Prod. Malay Pen. 2 (1935) 1542; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 371; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 120; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 178; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 334; Welzen, Blumea 39 (1994) 312, Fig. 6. Scortechinia kingii Hook.f. in Hook., Ic. Pl. 8 (Nov. 1887) pl. 1706; Hook.f., Fl. Br. India 5 (Dec. 1887) 366; Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 11 (1916) 76; J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. (1921) 346; Ridl., Fl. Malay Penin. 3 (1924) 251. Neoscortechinia kingii (Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm. var. kingii: Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 371; Kew Bull. Add. Series 4 (1975) 178. Lectotype (Welzen, 1994): Beccari PB 1164 (K, holo; iso in A, BM, G, P; FI, n.v.), Sarawak.
Neoscortechinia kingii (Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm. var. pedicellata Airy Shaw, Kew Bull 16 (1963) 371; Kew Bull. Add. Series 4 (1975) 178. Type: Haviland & Hose 3659 (K, holo; iso in BM, K, L), Sarawak, Kuching (duplicates numbered ak).
Tree up to 27 m high, girth up to 1.2 m, d.b.h. up to 28 cm; sometimes with stilt roots and buttresses, latter up to 0.7 m high; flowering branches 24 mm thick, young ones pilose. Outer bark brown to red-brown to grey, smooth to minutely fissured, flaking with patches of 12.5 by 1015 cm; inner bark up to 4 mm thick, brown to red, granular or fibrous and/or laminated; sapwood whitish to yellowish to brownish yellow; heartwood brown. Stipules triangular, 0.81.2 by 0.30.7 mm. Leaves: petiole 0.53.2 cm long, reniform in transverse section, (sub)glabrous; lamina elliptic to obovate, 2.317 by 1.37 cm, index 23, coriaceous, symmetric to asymmetric, base cuneate, without glands, margin usually entire to in upper 2/3rd irregularly crenulate to sometimes dentate, flat, teeth short, apex (emarginate to) rounded to cuspidate, very apex rounded (to mucronulate), upper surface dark brown when dry, lower surface (sub)glabrous, venation with 5 or 6 nerves per side, with intercalated nerves, nerves slightly convex. Inflorescences subsericeous; main branch often short, less than 5 cm to up to 17.5 cm long; bracts to the inflorescences triangular, 13.5 by 0.70.8 mm; bracts to the cymules with bracteoles or with glands; bracts to the flowers triangular, 0.40.7 by 0.51 mm, only outside pilose, often with small glands, also in staminate flowers. Flowers: pedicel 0.92.8 mm long in flower, to up to 4.5 mm long in fruit; sepals 4, ovate, 1.21.5 by 1.22.3 mm, glabrous to subglabrous outside, greenish to cream with brown hairs, margins yellow. Staminate flowers 23 mm in diam.; stamens 57, filaments 0.51.2 mm long, glabrous, creme, anthers c. 0.3 by 0.4 mm, bright yellow. Pistillate flowers c. 2.5 mm in diam.; ovary c. 2 by 1.6 mm, cream; lobes of stigma c. 0.5 mm long. Fruits 2.83.4 by 1.41.7 cm. Seeds 1.82.4 by 11.1 cm. Embryos: cotyledons 1113 by 45 mm; plumule and radicle 2.12.5 mm long.
Distribution Malesia: Malay Peninsula (incl. Singapore), central Sumatra, Borneo (S Kalimantan, Sarawak, Brunei).
Habitat & Ecology Found mainly on low undulating hills, but also on steep ridges in primary (Dipterocarp) forest, secondary forest, peat swamp forest, and kerangas. Soil: clayey loam, sand, sandy loam. Altitude: sea level up to 800 m. Locally abundant. Flowering and fruiting: whole year through, in Peninsula Malaysia half year earlier than on Borneo.
Uses Good fire wood.
Vernacular names Malay Peninsula: Tembatu (Ridl., 1924); jelawai bukit (Burkill, 1935); jintek-jintek. Sumatra: Meresik. Borneo, Sarawak: Bantas, berias, medang, maras or meras (Malay); nyabrit (Kayan); buloh manok (P.); Brunei: bantas (Iban).
Note The distinction between the two varieties, as made by Airy Shaw (1963) on the basis of the length of the peduncles and the hairiness and the length of the inflorescences, could not be confirmed, therefore both varieties were united.
Neoscortechinia nicobarica (Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 147, xiv, add. VI (1919) 53; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 369; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 120; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 178; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 334; Alph. Enum. Euph. Philipp. Is. (1983) 39; Welzen, Blumea 39 (1994) 314, Fig. 2b, 3a, b, dg, 7. Scortechinia nicobarica Hook.f. in Hook., Ic. Pl. 8 (Nov. 1887) pl. 1706, nom. nud.; Hook.f., Fl. Br. India 5 (Dec. 1887) 366; Boerl., Handl. Fl. Ned. Indiλ 3, 1 (1900) 222; Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 11 (1916) 76. Type: Novara Expedition s.n. (CAL?, holo, n.v.), Nicobar Is.
Alchornea arborea Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 4 (1911) 1274. Alcinaeanthus arboreus (Elmer) Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 147, vii (1914) 415. Scortechinia arborea (Elmer) Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 11 (1916) 75. Neoscortechinia arborea (Elmer) Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 147, xiv, add. VI (1919) 52; Merr., En. Philipp. 2 (1923) 456; Heyne, Nutt. Pl. Ind. 1, 3rd ed. (1950) 965; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 115. Lectotype (Welzen, 1994): Elmer 13067 (L, holo; iso in BM, G, K, NSW), Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa (Mt. Pulgar).
Scortechinia paniculata Ridl., Fl. Mal. Pen. 5 (1925) 332. Neoscortechinia paniculata (Ridl.) Burkill, Dict. Econ. Prod. Malay Pen. 2 (1935) 1542; Type: CF (Foxworthy's collector) 4035 (K, holo), Malaysia, Pahang, Sungei Yong, Kwala Lipis.
[Baccaurea ? celebica Koord. in Koord.-Schum., Syst. Verz. 3 (1914) 68, nom. nud., based on Koorders 16974]
Neoscortechinia spec.: Merr., Pl. Elmer. Born. (1929) 165 (Elmer 21220).
[Neoscortechinia kingii (Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm. var. paniculata Corner ex Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 1 (1963) 498, nom. nud.]
Tree up to 36 m high, d.b.h. up to 50 cm; buttresses often present, up to 2 m high, up to 1 m long; flowering branches 36 mm thick, young ones pilose. Bark smooth to scaly, whitish grey-brown to black-brown, c. 1 mm thick, with lenticels; inner pale to yellowish to orange to brown, granular, laminated, or gritty and mottled, hard, brittle, up to 8 mm thick; cambium red; wood yellowish white, hard. Stipules triangular, 1.82.2 by 0.50.8 mm. Leaves: petiole 1.26 cm long, round in transverse section, (sub)pilose; lamina (ovate to) elliptic (to obovate), 530 by 312.5 cm, index 1.52.9, coriaceous, symmetric, base rounded to acute, with glands, margin dentate (to subdentulate), flat, teeth short, apex (acute to) acuminate, very apex rounded (to acute), upper surface brown when dry, lower surface (sub)pilose on the basal part of the midrib and the basal nerves, venation with (7) 812 nerves per side, usually without intercalated nerves, nerves usually hardly arching. Inflorescences pilose; main branch up to 23 cm long; bracts to the inflorescences triangular, 24.5 by 0.61 mm; bracts to the cymules with bracteoles or with glands; bracts to the flowers triangular, 0.71.2 by 0.71.2 mm, only outside pilose, with glands. Flowers: pedicels 0.51.6 mm long in flower, subglabrous; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 1.32.5 by 1.42.5 mm, glabrous to subglabrous outside. Staminate flowers 22.5 mm in diam.; stamens 69, filaments 0.30.7 mm long, especially basally hirsute, anthers c. 0.3 by 0.3 mm. Pistillate flowers c. 4.2 mm in diam.; ovary c. 2.5 by 2.8 mm; lobes of stigma c. 0.8 mm long, (apex slightly split). Fruits 3.23.7 by 1.82 (1-seeded)2.7 (2-seeded) cm. Seeds 2.32.4 by 11.2 cm. Embryos: cotyledons c. 18 by 10 mm; plumule and radicle not seen.
Distribution Nicobar Is. and in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (excl. Singapore), Sumatra, W Java, mainly E Borneo (Sabah, N Sarawak, E Kalimantan), Philippines (Palawan), and NE and SE Sulawesi.
Habitat & Ecology On flat to sloping, sometimes periodically inundated country in primary forest, secondary forest, in belukar, fresh water swamps, along water, and on ridges. Soil: clay, limestone, loam, sand, sandstone. Rather common, scattered. Altitude: sea level up to 600 m. Flowering: March to November; fruiting: June to January. Fruit eaten by Orang utan
Uses The wood is not very durable, but it is easy to manufacture and is therefore used on Simalur I. (Sumatra) for the production of planks and beams (Heyne, 1950).
Vernacular names Malaysia: Perupoh jantan (Ridl., 1925); salah (Batek). Sumatra: Bantana, daoe, batin batin (Tapah; Heyne, 1950), lala-lalar etem (Simaloer I.); sekoenjit (Bengkoelen area). Java: Menteng monjet (Sunda). Borneo: Ancharirak (Sungei); belanti, keminting boeaja (Malay); buk-manuk (Dusun Banggi); salapidang (Bassap Dyak); balanti; baniran; moeloebomban. Philippines: Magong (Samar-Leyte Bisaya; Salvosa, 1963).
Notes 1. The species is somewhat variable. The pilosity of the plant may vary, and, especially vegetative specimens showed a loss of hairs, making their identification difficult. The teeth along the leaf margin are less distinct on Sumatra; the specimens on Borneo often show smaller leaves and flowers with 4 or 5 sepals, instead of 4. In Borneo and the Philippines, the glands at the base of the flower bracts become smaller; a geographical cline also seen in N. philippinensis.
2. See note 3 under N. forbesii for the differences between N. forbesii, N. nicobarica, and N. philippinensis.
Neoscortechinia philippinensis (Merr.) Welzen, Blumea 39 (1994) 316; Fig. 2a, 3c, 8; in Welzen & Chayam., Fl. Thailand 8, 2 (2007) 455, Fig. 47, Plate XXIII: 2. Alcinaeanthus philippinensis Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 7 (1912) 380. Neotype (designated by Welzen, 1994): R.S. Williams 2884 (NY, holo; iso in A, NY), Philippines, SE Mindanao, Santa Cruz Prov. See note 1.
Alcinaeanthus parvifolius Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 9 (1914) 461. Scortechinia parvifolia (Merr.) Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 11 (1916) 76. Neoscortechinia arborea (Elmer) Pax & K.Hoffm. var. parvifolia (Merr.) Pax & K.Hoffm. in Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 147, xiv, add. VI (1919) 52. Neoscortechinia parvifolia (Merr.) Merr., En. Philipp. 2 (1923) 456; Salvosa, Lex. Philipp. Trees (1963) 115. Type: BS (Ramos) 20586 (PNH, holo, ; iso in BM, K, US), Philippines, Luzon, Prov. Laguna, San Antonio.
Neoscortechinia coriacea Merr., Pl. Elmer. Born. (1929) 164. Type: Elmer 21078 (PNH, holo, ; iso in A, BM, G, K, L, MO, UC), British North Borneo (Sabah), Elphinstone Province, Tawao.
Neoscortechinia forbesii auct. non Hook.f. ex S.Moore: Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 369; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 120; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 310; Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 177; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 334; Alph. Enum. Euph. Philipp. Is. (1983) 38. All concerning the W Malesian specimens.
Neoscortechinia nicobarica auct. non Pax & K.Hoffm.: Chatterjee, Kew Bull. 4 (1950) 564.
Tree up to 30 m high, d.b.h. up to 50 cm, girth up to 1.5 m; buttresses often present, up to 1.5 m high, up to 1 m long; flowering branches 24 mm thick, young ones pilose. Bark smooth to scaly to fissured, whitish grey to brown to black-brown, c. 1 mm thick; inner whitish to yellowish to pinkish red to brown, striated, brittle, up to 10 mm thick; cambium yellow; wood white-cream to yellow to light brown; heart wood black-brown. Stipules triangular, c. 1.6 by 0.4 mm. Leaves: petiole 0.85 cm long, round in transverse section, (sub)glabrous; lamina elliptic to obovate, 422 by 29.5 cm, index 1.83.4, coriaceous, symmetric, base acute to attenuate, with glands, margin subentire with a few very short teeth to laxly dentate, flat, teeth short, apex (rounded to) acute to acuminate, very apex acute, upper surface brown when dry, lower surface (sub)glabrous, venation with 68(10) nerves per side, with intercalated nerves, nerves arching. Inflorescences (sub)sericeous; main branch up to 19 cm long; bracts to the inflorescences triangular, 14.2 by 0.30.5 mm; bracts to the cymules with bracteoles or with glands; bracts to the flowers triangular, 0.41.2 by 0.41.2 mm, only outside pilose, in pistillate flowers with small glands (or bracteoles in the Philippines and Borneo). Flowers: pedicels 0.52.2 mm long in flower; sepals 4 or 5, ovate, 0.72 by 1.22.5 mm, seldom outside sericeous. Staminate flowers 2.33.2 mm in diam.; stamens 58, filaments 0.51.2 mm long, basally pilose, anthers 0.30.5 by 0.30.4 mm. Pistillate flowers 1.82.8 mm in diam.; ovary 1.31.7 by 1.62.2 mm; lobes of stigma 0.40.5 mm long. Fruits 1.84.1 by 1.11.9 (1-seeded)2.3 (2-seeded) cm. Seeds 1.43 by 0.91.4 cm. Embryos: cotyledons 1117 by 58.5 mm; plumule and radicle 23.5 mm long.
Distribution Burma (Russell 1918; Chatterjee, 1950) and in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (excl. Singapore), Sumatra, Borneo and the E and N Philippines. This species may be present in Thailand (Airy Shaw, 1971).
Habitat & Ecology On flat to undulating country in primary (mixed Dipterocarp) forest, secondary forest, mixed fresh water swamp forest, riverine forest, and along mangrove. Soil: black soil, silty clay, granite, loam, sand, sandstone. Altitude.: sea level up to 1500 m. Flowering: whole year through, mainly from December to September; fruiting: whole year through, mainly from April to December. Fruits favourite food of primates (Van Balgooy & Van Setten 5633).
Vernacular names Malay Peninsula: Beki (Johore state). Sumatra: Kajoe lobang (E coast); medang brembang (Biliton I.); telapak kira (Bangka I.); pantja hutan. Borneo: Agar-agar (Sandakan region); djaentihan (SE Borneo); kayu karing (Kedayan); lochuan (Mangalong); rambai (Sungei). Philippines: Magong-liitan (Tagalog; Salvosa, 1963).
Notes 1. The original type (FB 11815) is probably destroyed when PNH burnt down. A neotype is selected, because no duplicates of FB 11815 were found. The neotype, R.S. Williams 2884, is also mentioned by Merrill in his first description of this species.
2. This species is quite variable, the leaves can vary from coriaceous to very coriaceous, especially on Borneo. In the Philippines, the dentation is usually more distinct, while in Borneo and the Philippines the pedicel becomes shorter and the glands in the inflorescences can be absent.
3. See note 3 under N. forbesii for the differences between N. forbesii, N. nicobarica, and N. philippinensis.
Neoscortechinia sumatrensis S.Moore, J. Bot. (Brit. & For.) 63, Suppl. (1925) 99; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 368; Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 2 (1973) 119; Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 179; Kew Bull. 36 (1981) 334; Welzen, Blumea 39 (1994) 318, Fig. 4. Neoscortechinia sumatrensis S.Moore var. sumatrensis: Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 16 (1963) 368; Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 4 (1975) 179. Type: Forbes 3162 (BM, holo; iso in A, K, L), Sumatra, Palembang, Boekit Boekoe, near Napal Litjin, R. Rawas.
Tree up to 33 m high, girth up to 1 m; buttresses sometimes present, c. 33 cm high, 2.5 cm thick; f Flowering branches 24 mm thick. Outer bark smooth to rough, lenticellate, dark brown to brown-greenish to grey with brown patches to whitish; inner bark yellow to brown; sapwood white. Stipules 2.510.5 by 0.61.5 mm. Leaves: petiole 0.85.5 cm long, round in transverse section; lamina elliptic to obovate, 6.623.5 by 3.48.5 cm, index 1.93.5, (thin-)coriaceous, symmetric, base (rounded to) acute to attenuate, with glands; margin subdentulate to dentate, flat, teeth short, apex acuminate to caudate, very apex (rounded to) acute, upper surface glabrous except for a few basal hairs, yellowish light green when dry, lower surface subhirsute on the veins to hirsute, venation with 68 nerves per side with few intercalated nerves, nerves arching. Inflorescences hirsute, main branch up to 20 cm long; bracts to the inflorescences triangular, 37 by 0.51.3 mm; bracts to the cymules with (large) glands, often also small ones in the staminate flowers; bracts to the flowers ovate, 0.71.3 by 0.30.8 mm, only outside pilose, with 2 glands in pistillate flowers (and staminate flowers). Flowers: pedicels 1.22.5 mm long, hirsute; sepals 4 or 5 (or 6), (ob)ovate, 12.2 by 1.22.3 mm. Staminate flowers 22.5 mm in diam.; sepals glabrous to subglabrous outside; stamens (5 or) 68; filament c. 0.4 mm long, glabrous; anther c. 0.3 by 0.4 mm. Pistillate flowers 3.34.5 mm in diam.; sepals outside pubescent in pistillate flowers; ovary c. 2.3 by 2.3 mm; lobes of stigma c. 0.4 mm long, slightly split at the apex. Fruits 1.73.3 by 1.12.1 cm. Seeds 1.52.6 by 0.91.3 cm. Embryos: cotyledons 911 by 5.28 mm; plumule and radicle c. 2 mm long.
Distribution Malesia: Peninsula Malaysia (Malaysia, Singapore), Sumatra, N Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, W Sabah).
(circles on Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and W. Borneo)
Habitat & Ecology Found on low, undulating hills in primary forest, secondary forest, peat swamp forest, logged forest; also along roads and swamps. Soil: yellow sandy loam, black sand, yellow clay. Altitude.: sea level up to 250 m. Flowering: July to August and perhaps December; fruiting: whole year through.
Vernacular names Borneo: Pudoh (Sipitan Distr.).
Note Several of the specimens from Singapore and the Malay Peninsula have almost glabrous leaflets below, but some hairs are always present on the midrib and nerves.