
Collecting localities



Amiruddin Musa


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)


Born: 1930, Kepahiang, Bengkulu, S. Sumatra, Indonesia



During 1956 Student-Assistant of Dr W. Meijer, Faculty of Agriculture, Pajakumbuh.


Collecting localities:

1956. Centr. Sumatra: during trip in Hutan Pulau Lawas, Teratah Air hitam, E of Taluk, W. Indragiri (Jan. 18-23).



Made with Safri Sjater and Husni Karim under the joint name of ‘Kongsi Tiga’, in Herb. Fac. Agr. Pajakumbuh, 69 nos; dupl. in Herb. Sing. [SING], Leiden [L], Brit. Mus. [BM], and Geneva [G].