
Collecting localities




Becking, Johannus Hendrikus


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1890, Soerabaja, Java. Died: 1972, Arnhem, Gld., Netherlands.



Studied forestry, and took his degree at Wageningen, Holland; in 1913 appointed Forest Officer in D.E.I. Govt Service, as such stationed principally in the teak districts of Java;1 in 1930 appointed Head of the Division of Commerce of the ‘Djatibedrijf’ (= Teak Forest Administration), in 1933 Head of the Forests in Java and Madoera (excl. the teak forest administration), since 1936 Chief Inspector of the D.E.I. Forest Service; in 1946 appointed Professor at the Agricultural College at Wageningen.

He did much collecting in mangrove forests in which he was especially interested.2

He is commemorated in Agathis beckingi M.Dr.


Collecting localities:

1920. Bali (Lesser Sunda Islands) (March-April), e.g. at Boeleleng, Prapatagoeng, Tjandikesoema and Djembrana; W. Borneo: Palo, Sambas (July); E. Java: Besoeki, Pangpang Bay etc. (Sept. 24-Oct. 23).-1928. Centr. Java: in teak forest near Blora.



Herb. Bog. [BO]: 140 Bali nos (ranging between 1 and 175), 77 Borneo nos and coll. from E. Java (probably each collection numbered anew, from Besoeki at least a no 8); ± 180 nos from teak forests; also in Herb. For. Res. Inst. Buitenzorg [BZF]. 20 Plants from former Dutch New Guinea (Irian), collected in 1961; in Herb. Wageningen [WAG].



(1) Author of ‘De djaticultuur op Java. Verschillende verjongingsmethoden van den djati op Java’ (Wageningen 1928, Meded. Proefstat. Boschwezen no 22).

(2) J.H. Becking, L.G. den Berger & H.W. Meindersma: ‘Vloed- of mangrove-bosschen in Ned. India’ (Tectona 15, 1922, p. 561-611).