
Collecting localities



Biographical data

Photo gallery


Nakai, Takenos(h)in


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)


Born: 1882, Yamaguchi, Japan. Died: 1952, Tokyo, Japan.



Botanist, educated at Tokyo Imperial University, who took his Ph. Dr’s degree in 1914; successively Assistant, Lecturer, Curator of Botanic Gardens, Assistant Professor (& Curator), Professor of Plant Taxonomy (1927), and Director of Botanic Gardens (1931) of the Imperial University of Tokyo. From 1943-45 he acted as Director of the Buitenzorg Botanic Gardens.

Author of numerous taxonomical papers, including the ‘Flora sylvatica Koreana’.

Several plants of eastern Asia were named after him.


Collecting localities:

In Jan. 1919 he visited Singapore, and in Febr. W. Java: Batavia (Febr. 2-3), Buitenzorg (4-11), Tjibodas (slope Mt Gedeh) (12-14), Bandoeng (15-17) and Tjinjiroean (16), Buitenzorg (18-20), Batavia (21-23).



Herb. Tokyo Imp. Univers. [TI]: 138 nos of Pteridophyta,1 and 30 phanerogams from Mt Gedeh-Pangrango (from region above Kandang Badak only).



(1) He proposed the new genus Pneumatopteris, cf. Tokyo Bot. Magaz. 47, 1933, p. 179.


biographical data:

Memorial book published on the occasion of his retirement as professor (1943, w. col. portr.); Bot. Mag. Tokyo 66, 1953, p. 775-776, portr. and addit. bibliogr.


photo gallery:

Botanical Magazine Tokyo 66 (1953) 1