
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Büsgen, Moritz


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1858, Weilburg a.L., Germany. Died: 1921, Hannöversch Münden, Germany.



Studied at Bonn and Berlin University; in 1883 graduated at Strassburg. In 1901 he was appointed Director of the Botanical Institute at Hannöversch Münden, previously he was University Lecturer and Extraordinary Professor at various institutions.

He visited the D.E.I. together with Busse (see there) in 1902-03; in 1908 he made a study tour to Cameroon and Togo.

He wrote some papers relating to the tropics.1


Collecting localities:

Java (Oct. 1902-Febr. 1903), at Buitenzorg and Tjibodas. During a visit to Centr. Java (Dec. 1902-Jan. 1903) : G. Merbaboe (Dec. 6-7), Rembang, Semarang (teak forest). In Central Java also at: Tudir, Wonosemi, Ngliron, Gundih.



Some ofhis specimens in Herb. Bog. [BO], the numbers evidently exceeding 205. ? Herb. Münden.

His plants were identified by S.H. Koorders.2



(1) viz: ‘Wachstumbeobachtungen aus den Tropen’ (Ber. D.B.G. 21, 1903, p. 435-440); ‘Ödlandaufforstung in Niederl. Indien’ (Tropenpflanzer 9, 1905, p. 83-86, 1 fig.); with Hj. Jensen and W. Buse he edited ‘Mittel- and Ost-Java’ in Karsten, Vegetationsbilder, 3. Reihe, 1905.

(2) S.H. Koorders: ‘Versuch einer Arten-Aufzählung der von Prof. Dr M. Büsgen in Java gesammelten Embryophyta Siphonogama’ (Nat. Tijdschr. N.I. 63, 1904, p. 37-48).


biographical data:

Who’s who 1913; Ber. D.B.G. 39, 1921, Gen. Vers. Heft p. (87)-(96), w. bibliography.