
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Carr, Cedric Er(r)oll


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1892, Napier, New Zealand. Died: 1936, Port Moresby, New Guinea.



Went to England with his parents at the age of 7; he came to Malaya in Jan. 1913 as an Assistant on Kulong Rubber Estate, Malacca; in 1916 he returned to England for military service; in 1919 to Malaya again, as Manager of Lendu Estate, Malacca, and then of Tembeling Estate, Pahang, until 1931. In 1933 he went to England, working at the Kew Herbarium, leaving again at the end of 1934 for his Papuan expedition. On the road back he fell ill with blackwater fever. From his boyhood he was interested in orchids, on which subject he wrote several papers, principally based on his own collections.

Hydriastele carrii Burr. was named after him.


Collecting localities:

19..-32. Malay Peninsula. Tembeling (in Pahang) was the centre of his collecting; in 1928 he accompanied Holttum (see there) on an expedition to G. Tahan (Aug. 19-Sept. 10).-1931. Sumatra East Coast:1 Brastagi and environs, and the Kaban Djahe Plateau (between Sept. 5-16), and along the new road above Lake Toba (W and NW of the lake).-1932. Malay Peninsula. Trip in southern Johore with Corner & Holttum (see there).-1933. Br. N. Borneo. Several months on the slopes of Mt Kinabalu.-1935-36:5 1935 in the lowland country around and to the NW. of Port Moresby, mainly at Kanosia (Jan., Feb., Apr.), Veiya (Mar.), Rouna (1 300 ft, Apr.-July), and Koitaki (1500 ft, Apr.-July); towards the Owen Stanley Range (Aug. 16) via Hailogo (3000 ft, Aug. 31-Sept. 4), the S. slopes of the Range, camping at Boridi (4700 ft) (Sept.-Dec.); Northern Division: leaving Boridi (Dec. 3), camp at 6000 ft near Alola on the N. side of the Range, Lala River (5500 ft, up to early Jan. 1936); subsidiary camp nearer the Gap (8000 ft), collecting up to 10,000 ft (Jan. 12-30); down to Isuarava (3500-4500 ft), Lala River and Yodda River below Isuarava at 3500 ft (Jan. 31-Mar. 15), at Kokoda (1200 ft, Mar. 17-May 23), Fara River (May 24). Besides there are a few numbers from Saputa (200 ft), Inapa (500 ft), and Buna (sea-level) (Apr. 5-8, 1936), either collected by Carr himself en route or by native collectors.

He never reached Mt Victoria.



Herb. Sing. [SING]: coll. Kinabalu (1933) 2000 nos (incl. 700 orchids); 1300 Papuan plants (purch. 1935); in 1936, after his death, the Singapore Bot. Gardens were allowed the first offer of purchase of his collections; this resulted in the addition of all Mr Carr’s locally collected orchid specimens (c. 4300, dried and in spirit) with his critical notes attached.2 During his life assistance was given to him by the Herbarium, Singapore, by sorting and distributing his botanical collection made in New Guinea; this service was given as partial payment for a set, amounting to nearly 7000 nos.

Herb. Brit. Mus. [BM]: 1st set New Guinea coll.; Herb. Leiden [L]: New Guinea coll., ± 2500 nos; Herb. Berl. [B]: 5032 nos N. G. (purch. 1935-37), partly inadequate material; Herb. Kew [K]: Mal. Penins. orchids, dried and in alcohol (pres. 1930), > 4800 nos N.G. plants (pres. 1935-36); Herb. Manila [PNH]: N.G. dupl. (pres. 1935-36); Herb. N.Y. Bot. Gard. [NY]: 1135 N.G. plants (purch. 1935); Herb. Canberra [CANB]:3 N.G. plants. The remainder of his 1935-36 New Guinea collection was shipped from Singapore to the British Museum in 1954-55, and has since been distributed to the recipients of Carr’s sets. With it were 600 gatherings of orchids with minute field tickets, but unnumbered, evidently some of the last plants gathered before his death, or cultivated at camps. The latter were numbered (between 16,600-17,232) in the B.M. [BM] and have been distributed. Besides in the already mentioned herbaria, a few numbers are at Lae [LAE], Geneva [G], and Arn. Arbor [A].6

His collections were partially worked up.4

In Hort. Bog.: Malay Peninsula orchids (pres. 1929).

Dupl. from Borneo (1933) and New Guinea (1935-36) in Herb. Edinb. [E].



(1) C.E. Carr: ‘Some Malayan Orchids’ IV (Journ. Mal. Br. Roy. As. Soc. 11, 1933, p. 66-109, i-iv, pl. 1-13).

(2) cf. Ann. Rep. Bot. Gard. Singapore 1936, p. 6.

(3) cf. Journ. Arn. Arbor. 28, 1947, p. 99.

(4) C.E. Carr: ‘Some Malayan Orchids’ I-III (Gard. Bull. Str. Settlem. 5, 1929, p. 1-50; l.c. 1930, p. 124-160 (from G. Tahan); l.c. 7, 1932, p. 1-60); based on own collections. cf. Also sub 1, on Sumatra.

C.E. Carr: ‘Two collections of Orchids from British North Borneo’ pt I (l.c. 8, 1935, p. 165-240), based on coll. Carr 1933 and Clemens 1931-33.

Palmae by Burret in Notizbl. Berl. Dahl. 13, 1936, p. 317-332 (coll. Carr and Clemens from N. G.).

In Beitr. Flor. Papuas. (Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 1938 and following), passim.

Loranthaceae by B.H. Danser in Blumea 3, 1938, p. 37-59.

Ferns from New Guinea by A.H.G. Alston in Journ. Bot. 78, 1940, p. 225-229.

Ericaceae from New Guinea by H. Sleumer in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 70, 1940, p. 95-124.

Proteaceae from New Guinea by H. Sleumer in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 70, 1940, p. 125-148.

Icacinaceae by H. Sleumer in Notizbl. Berl. Dahl. 15, 1940, p. 228-257.

Figs from New Guinea by V.S. Summerhayes in Journ. Arn. Arbor. 22, 1941, p. 81-109.

Mosses from New Guinea by H.N. Dixon in Farlowia 1, 1943, p. 25-40.

P. Arens: ‘Bemerkungen zu einigen von C.E. Carr in Neuguinea gesammelten Moosen’ (Blumea 7, 1953, p. 339-341).

Annonaceae from New Guinea by J. Sinclair in Gard. Bull. Sing. 15, 1956, p. 4-13, fig. 1-4. 

(5) Cf. E.W. Groves in Fl. Mal. Bull. no 16, 1961, p. 826-827.

(6) Cf. E.W. Groves in Fl. Mal. Bull. no 15, 1960, p. 719; ibid. no 16, 1961, p. 826-827.


biographical data:

Kew Bull. 1936, p. 531-532; Journ. Bot. 75, 1937, p. 143-144, incl. bibliogr.; Chron. Bot. 3, 1937, p. 235 + portr.