

Biographical data


Dalhousie, Christina Countess of (born Brown)


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1786, Coalstoun, Scotland. Died: 1839, Edinburgh, Scotland.



Wife of G. Ramsay, the 9th Earl of Dalhousie and Commander in Chief in India, 1829-32. She collected in Penang for Sir W. Hooker (cf. Burkill in Gard. Bull. Str. Settlem. 4, 1927, nos 4-5).

Some plants were named after her.



Herb. Kew [K]: from Madeira, Rio, Cape, Morocco, Penang, India, 600 and 400 dupl.; many ferns. Her private herbarium consisting of 1200 specim. was presented to the Bot. Soc. Edinburgh [E], after return in Europe. Plants collected by her in Penang were sold with the Herbarium of Robert Graham in 1846, and were acquired by Rich.


biographical data:

Biogr. Index Britten & Boulger in Journ. Bot. 36, 1898, p. 446; CurtisBot. Mag. Dedic. 1827-1927, p. 27-28 portr.; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936.