
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Everett, Alfred Hart


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1848, Norfolk I., Pacific. Died: 1898, London, England.



His father ran a Penal Colony, sailed with the family to England about 1851. An English collector who mainly made zoological collections.1 In 1869 he went to Sarawak for the purpose of making natural history collections, but after 2 years entered the service of the Sarawak Government to get a more settled kind of employment; since February 1872 Asst Resident of Rejang, later transferred to Bintulu as Resident of that district. In 1875 or 1876 he resumed exploration, quitting government service, but his health failed and at least till 1877 he made no explorations in Borneo. Subsequently he joined the service of the Br. N. Borneo Co., and was appointed Resident of the West Coast, resigning in 1883; in 1885 Consul for Sarawak at the Court of the Sultan of Brunei; in the same year appointed Resident of Trusan, and finally Hon’ble of the 4th Division; he retired from government service in March 1890.

Before 1872 he made ornithological collections in the Philippines; before 1894 he made entomological collections for Rajah Brooke of Sarawak, and since 1894 on behalf of L.W. Baron Rothschild, owner of the Tring Museum.2 About 1888 he evidently resumed outdoor work.

He collected plants too, at the instigation of Ridley.

He first interested Charles Hose in collecting and studying (C.F. Cowan in litt. Feb. 12, 1968).

Several plants were named after him.


Collecting localities:

(partly zoological only). Only few data are known; in the years 1888-± 94 collecting especially in NW. Borneo, Sarawak; on an excursion with Ch. Hose (itiner., liter., etc. see there) to Mt Dulit (Sept.-Oct. 1891), also on Mt Matang; Mt Penrissen (July 1892). In this period he collected (botanically) in the Philippines too, viz in Palawan and Balabac; also in the Natuna Isls (1893): Sirhassen Island (= P. Serasan) (Sept.), and Bunguran (Sept. 29-Oct.), camping at the foot of Mt Ranai.-1894. Visiting the Philippines, viz N. Mindoro (Nov.-Dec.).-1895. Luzon: Laguna de Bay (Jan.). Leaving Labuan for a trip to SW. Celebes: Makassar (Sept. 16); ascent of G. Bonthain, going by way of Bulekomba, Balang Nipa, Bikeroe, Indrulamau and Tasoso, making headquarters in the latter locality; Saleijer (Nov.).-1896. Lesser Sunda Islands, viz on Djampea (probably P. Tanahdjampea, S of SW. Celebes), Lombok (May-July), Savu (= Sawoe) (Aug. 7-Sept. 10), S. Flores (Oct., headquarters at Nanga Ramau = Roma), Sawoe, and Timor.



Herb. Brit. Mus. [BM]: 933 nos from Borneo (pres. 1893-95), 108 nos Borneo coll. Everett & Ch. Hose (acq. 1896), 100 nos from Lombok (acq. 1896); Herb. Kew [K]: 92 nos from Celebes (acq. 1895);3 Herb. Sing. [SING]: 83 specim. of mosses from Borneo and Natoena (pres. 1893), 243 nos Bonthain (Celebes, pres. 1895) and mosses from the latter locality (pres. 1896); Herb. Berl. [B]: mosses from Borneo (1892); Herb. N.Y. Bot. Gard. [NY]: mosses with Herb. Mitten.4

In Natoena he collected ferns too.5 Herb. Edinb. [E]: plants from Natuna Is (1893).



(1) Author of ‘Cave exploration in Borneo’ (Athenaeum July 1877, p. 53-54); ‘Remarks on the Zoo-geographical relationship of the Island of Palawan and some adjacent Islands’ (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1889, p. 220-228).

(2) cf. Entomol. Beih. Berl. Dahl. 1935, p. 70. Many dates on his voyages derived from vols of Novitates Zoologicae.

(3) Described by Hemsley in Kew Bull. 1896, p. 36-42; cf. also Hook. Icon. Plant. t. 2437: Trachymene celebica Hemsl.

(4) R. Shelford: ‘Mosses and Hepatics collected by A.H. Everett and named by V.F. Brotherus’ (Journ. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. no 33, 1900, p. 26 seq.

H.N. Dixon: ‘A contribution to the moss flora of Borneo’ (Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 50, 1935, p. 57-140, pl. 1-4); ‘New and rare Bornean mosses’ (Journ. Bot. 79, 1941, p. 57-62, 72-77).

(5) cf. Kew Bull. 1896, p. 41.


biographical data:

Sarawak Gazette 28, 1898, p. 136-137; Novit. Zool. 5, 1898, p. 606; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936; A.A. Prestwich, I name this parrot .... 1963, p. 33-34.