
Collecting localities



Japing, Christoffel Hendrik


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1891, Doetichem, Gld, Holland. Died: 1978, Velp, Holland.



Forest Officer, since 1915 in the employ of the D.E. Indian Forest Service; for some years stationed in the teak districts in Java; in Nov. 1919 transferred to Sumatra, successively stationed at Palembang, Koetaradja (Oct. 1922), and Medan (July 1926); in 1927 to Buitenzorg, and in 1929 to Sumatra again, viz at Fort de Kock, Palembang (1931), and Medan (193.3); in 1934 back to Java, stationed at Bandoeng; in the same year appointed Inspector. He retired in 1938.


Collecting localities:

N. Sumatra, Atjeh: Langsa and Lho Seumaweh (1923); Takengon (1927).



Herb. Bog. [BO] and Herb. For. Res. Inst. Buitenzorg [BZF]: some tens of numbers in the bb. series (cf. sub Forest Research Institute, Buitenzorg).