
Collecting localities



Biographical data


King, Copland


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. Died: Oct. 1918, Sydney.



Missionary who served 25 years with the Anglican Mission; he resided in the Kumusi division, at Ambasi on the NE. coast of the SE. Peninsula of New Guinea. He specialized in ferns.

Marattia kingii Copel. and other ferns were named after him.


Collecting localities:

From c. 1893-1918. SE. New Guinea, Papua: Kumusi River, Cape Vogel, Bartle Bay, Yodda, Ambasi, Cape Nelson, Collingwood Bay, Gira Track, Goodenough Bay, Waria River, Samarai, Port Moresby, Lakekamu River, Woodlark Isl., Loane, Tamata, Taupota, Mt Tuan, Mt Gewagewa; visit to Waria & Yodda Goldfields and the Kumusi River (1908 or 1909);1 visits to Mambare River Mission Station (1910 or 1911).2



Principally ferns and orchids. He certainly collected as early as 1894.3 His later collections were sent to F.M. Bailey,4 and preserved in Herb. Brisbane [BRI] (pres. 1904-18), including his legacy of ± 1000 sheets. Herb. Sydney [NSW]: large number of pteridophytes (identified by Alston). Herb. Bog. [BO]: 101 nos of ferns (pres. 1910) which were sent for identification to Dr E. Rosenstock.5 He also submitted ferns to E.B. Copeland,6 and sent herbarium specimens of indigenous trees to Dr Foxworthy of the Philippine Islands for identification.7 In Herb. Manila [PNH]: 119 New Guinea plants (by exch. 1912/13) and 78 ditto for identification (1915); Herb. Berkeley (Cal.) [UC]: New Guinea ferns; some specimens in Herb. Brit. Mus. [BM]. In literature we met with numbers exceeding 1000.



(1) cf. Ann. Rep. Papua for 1908/09, p. 111.

(2) cf. l.c. for 1910/11, p. 139.

(3) cf. Kränzlin in Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 45, 1895, p. 179.

(4) He described the orchids in Queensl. Agric. Journ. 16, 1906, p. 411, and in l.c. 19, 1907, p. 273-274, and many of the ferns in his series ‘Contributions to the flora of New Guinea’ in the abovementioned periodical.

(5) ‘Filices novo-guineenses Kingianae’ (Fedde Repert. 9, 1911, p. 422-427).

(6) Published in Philip. Journ. Sci. C. Bot. 6, 1911, p. 65-92; l.c. 7, 1912, p. 67-68; l.c. 9, 1913, p. 1-9 (an extract of the last-mentioned paper in Ann. Rep. Papua for 1913/14, 1914, p. 146-147).

(7) cf. Ann. Rep. Papua for 1909/10,1911, p. 114.


biographical data:

Legisl. Assembly N.S. W. Rep. Bot. Gard. & Domains for 1918, p. 10; and l.c. for 1919, p. 9; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936.