
Collecting localities



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Marchette, Nyven John


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1928, Murphys, California, U.S.A.



Was educated in zoology at the University of California (A.B. 1950, M.A. 1953) and took his Ph.D. in Bacteriology at the University of Utah in 1960. Assistant Research Microbiologist, Hooper Foundation, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco (Cal.) from 1961 onwards. In 1962-64 associated with the Institute for Medical Research Kuala Lumpur, working on the ecology of ricketsial diseases in Malaya; from 1965-67 associated with the Dept of Bacteriology, Fac. of Medicine, Univ. of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, for the investigation of the ecology of arthropod-borne viruses of Malaya. On two occasions in 1963 the Institute for Medical Research sponsored expeditions which spent a total of about 3 weeks on G. Jerai in Kedah (Malay Peninsula), viz. in March and September.


Collecting localities:

Malaya. 1963. G. Jerai (Aug.-Sept.),1 Pulau Aur.2-1964. Taman Negara.



The specimens were not collected with any herbarium, some are still in the Faculty of Medicine at Kuala Lumpur.



(1) N.J. Marchette: ‘Notes on the flora of Gunong Jerai (Kedah Peak)’ (Mal. Nat. J. 19, 1965, p. 129-137; with History of Exploration and List of species collected).

F.L. Dunn: ‘Notes on the ferns of Gunong Jerai’ (Mal. Nat. J. 20, 1967, p. 131-138).

(2) N.J. Marchette: ‘Notes on some Flowering Plants of Pulau Aur’ (Mal. Nat. J. 18, 1964, p. 50-59; annotated list of records).


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