
Collecting localities




Merton, Hugo


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1879, Frankfurt a/M, Germany. Died: ? 1939, London, England.



Since 1920 Professor of Zoology in the University of Heidelberg, where he took his Ph. Dr’s degree in 1904.

He made a zoological expedition to the Aroe and Kai Islands in company with J. Roux (see there) of Basel, Switzerland.

He migrated to London before the outbreak of World War II.


Collecting localities:1

Via Singapore (end Nov.-Dec. 1907) and Java (Dec. 8-Jan. 5, 1908) to the Aru islands (4 months’ stay); making headquarters at Dobo on P. Wamar (arriving Jan. 22) and visiting many other islands: W. Trangan (Febr. 5-28), principally at Ngaiguli and making trips to Fatural (6), Marafenfen, Feruni, Popdjetur (9-12), Ngaiboor (19, by boat); excursions on P. Wamar (till March 12); to Sg. Manumbai (12), between P. Wokam and Kobroör, visiting Sg. Waskai and Sg. Kololobo; Maikoör: Sg. Maikoör; Trangan: Erersin, Ngarangarin; via Sg. Manumbai to the eastern islands: Meriri (= Mariri) (March 31); P. Barkai (= P. Workai): Gomo Gomo, Baimun, Longar, Apara; P. Lola; via Sg. Barkai (= Workai), going ashore near Fonum and Batu Bandera; trip to Wokam and P. Udjir; Kei (= Kai) Islands (1-month stay); Klein Kei (Nuhu-Tawun and Kei Dulah) and Groot Kei (Nuhu-Jut = Noehoetjoet); sailing from Tual (June 24) via Java (staying a fortnight), back to Germany (arriving mid-Aug.).



Herb. Senckenb. Ges. (now in Univ.) Frankfurt [FR]: Myrmecodia sp. (pres. 1908/09). The occurrence of myrmecophilous plants is one of the dominant features of the vegetation in S. Trangan, so we suppose the collecting was done in that island.



(1) H. Merton: ‘Forschungsreise in den Südostlichen Molukken (Aru- and Kei-Inseln)’ (Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf. 33, 1911, p. 1-208, w. many plts).