

Biographical data


Shibata, Keita


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1877, Tokyo, Japan.



Botanist who took his Ph.Dr’s degree at Tokyo in 1899; Professor of Plant Physiology at Sapporo, 1907-09; he worked in Germany from 1910-11, and in the next year was appointed Extraordinary Professor at Tokyo University (in 1918 Professor). During some weeks, Jan.-Febr. 1917, he made investigations in the Foreigners’ Laboratory at Buitenzorg (W. Java), on the occurrence of flavones in tropical plants. During various trips through Java he collected samples of cultivated and pharmaceutical plants.1



(1) cf. Dammerman in Ann. Jard. Bot. Buit. 45, 1935, p. 42.


biographical data:

Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51, 1937, p. 388-392, w. bibliogr. & portr.