


Biographical data


Vrij, Johan Eliza de


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1813, Rotterdam, Holland. Died: 1898, The Hague, Holland.



Set up as a dispenser at Rotterdam in 1832; in 1837 Dr of chemistry; in 1841 teacher at the Clinical School at Rotterdam. End 1857 he accompanied W.H. de Vriese (see there) on his tour to the East Indies,1 and was appointed Chemist for the Cinchona culture, put at the disposal of Junghuhn. He could not co-operate with the latter, and in 1863 got a certificate that through his own fault his health was so badly impaired that his immediate return to Europe was necessary! Subsequently he settled at The Hague, making scientific researches, more especially on Cinchona bark, until his death.



Herb. Hanbury (London): some pharmaceutical plants from Java (pres. 1860, 1862, and 1866).



(1) cf. Hook. Journ. Bot. & Kew Gard. Misc. 9, 1857, p. 346.


biographical data:

Pritzel, Thes. Lit. Bot., 1872; Jaarversl. Gouvernements Kina Ond. for 1898; Sirks, Ind. Nat. Onderzoek, Amsterdam 1915, p. 229-233 + portr.; Encyclop. N.I. 4, 1921; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 50, 1940, p. 203; l.c. 51, 1941, p. 375; l.c. 52, 1942, p. 413; l.c. 53, 1943, p. 255.