



Wigman, Hendrik Jan


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1846, Zutfen, Gld, Holland. Died: 1923, Buitenzorg, Java.



In the employ of the Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg, Java, since 1869; in 1870 appointed Assistant Curator, in 1883 Curator; retired in 1912.

He laid out the Buitenzorg Economic Garden (Cultuurtuin) in 1875, and was for several years editor of the periodical Teysmannia. In 1904 he made an official tour to Merauke in Dutch South New Guinea to select grounds for a planned branch-establishment of the Buitenzorg Garden (cf. sub Tj.A. Wouters). In 1909 he evidently paid a visit to this new garden.

Several plants were named after him (cf. Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936).



Hort. Bog.: living plants from Merauke (Dutch S. New Guinea), Timor (Koepang and Deli (= Dilly)), and Tanah Gondem ( ? ) in 1904;1 ditto from Aroe, Kei (= Kai), Merauke (S. New Guinea) and Adaoet (P. Selaroe, Tanimbar) in 1909. Though he made no dried collections, his name may appear on labels of the Garden Herbarium at Buitenzorg.



(1) cf. Verkl. Pl. Tuin Buitenzorg for 1904, p. 84.