
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Campbell, Douglas Houghton


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)


Born: 1859, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. Died: 1953, Stanford, Cal., U.S.A.



Botanist, educated at Michigan, taking his Dr’s degree in 1886. From 1886-88 he studied in Germany; Professor of Botany at Indiana from 1888-91; subsequently at Stanford University (Cal.); now emeritus.

Author of many papers on ferns and liverworts, etc.1

Was an ardent field botanist and made numerous trips all over the world from 1882 onwards.5


Collecting localities:5

1906. W. Java (March-June).2 He visited the Botanic Gardens at Buitenzorg; G. Salak (Tjiapus) and G. Gedeh-Pangrango (Tjibodas); Garut, slopes G. Guntur; with Ernst and Backer to Krakatau3 and Verlaten Eiland (Apr. 26) in Soenda Strait. Besides staying in Java (see Fl. Mal. vol. 1), he touched Singapore (March) and visited Sumatra (Apr., May).-1912-14. He travelled for 2 years6, reaching the Settlements in Dec. 1912, visiting Penang (Jan. 1913), the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra East Coast (see Fl. Mal. vol. 1), Borneo (March), Java, and the Philippine Islands (Apr., May). NW. Borneo, Sarawak,4 e.g. Mt Matang and Ban, Mt Santubong, Mt Sarambo; on his return making a brief stop in Java. 2nd visit to the East Indies, 1913-14. Staying a month in the Fed. Mal. States with headquarters at Kuala Lumpur; a very short visit to Sumatra (East Coast) (Medan and Bandar Baroe); to Borneo, staying about a month at Kuching, Sarawak, making several brief excursions in the vicinity; Java: Buitenzorg Botanic Gardens (1914); on his way home stopping in the Philippines, doing some collecting.-

From his systematic papers it becomes evident that he collected in Ceylon and Singapore too.



Herb. ? Stanford [CI]. Ferns and liverworts only. From Java a great quantity of material of the Ophioglossaceae; at Tjibodas a rich collection of liverworts.1

Herb. Carn. Inst. of Wash. [CI] (Stanford, Cal.); Herb. Brit. Mus. [BM]: 150 nos from Malaysia; Herb. New York [NY].



(1) e.g. ‘Studies on some Javanese Anthoceraceae’ I-II (in Ann. Bot. 21, 1907 and 22, 1908); ‘Collecting liverworts in Java’ (Torreya 8, 1908, p. 103-110) ; ‘Notes on collecting ferns with particular reference to certain Bornean ferns of considerable interest’ (Sarawak Mus. Journ. 2, 1914, p. 73-78); and numerous others.

(2) cf. Dammerman in Ann. Jard. Bot. Buit. 45, 1935, p. 30.

(3) D.H. Campbell: ‘The new flora of Krakatau’ (Amer. Naturalist 43, 1909, p. 449-460).

(4) D.H. Campbell: ‘Botanizing excursions in Borneo’ (Pop. Sci. Monthly 86, 1915, p. 193-203).

(5) Cf. list in Asa Gray Bull. II, 2, 1953, p. 118-120, partly derived from notations on his watercolour sketches.

(6) Cf. ibid. p. 135-136.


biographical data:

Amer. Men of Sci. 1938; Asa Gray Bull. II, 2, 1953, p. 103-148, incl. bibliogr. and portr.