


Biographical data


Heurn, Jhr Frans Cornelis van


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1888, The Hague, Holland.



Chemical engineer, educated at the Technical College, Delft, from 1907-13 (Dr in 1922); for some years he was employed at Delft; in Dec. 1916 he went to the D.E.I., working for several years at the A.V.R.O.S. Experiment Station, Medan (Sumatra); after a stay in Holland in 1922, he returned to the Indies in 1923 as Adviser of the ‘Mij t. Expl. d. Ondernemingen nagelaten door Mr Baron Baud’, stationed at Bandoeng (W. Java), in this period founding the first palm oil factory at Bolang in Bantam; in 1929 he joined the B.P.M. (Batavian Oil Company) as Head of the division Documentation of the Laboratory at Amsterdam.



Herb. Leiden [L]: few Java orchids (partly from Bolang, W. Java)1 (pres. 1926), a Balanophora in alcohol from G. Manglajang (W. Java), and some Fungi; Herb. Bog. [BO]: Fungi (morels from Java),2 and possibly some Sumatra plants (with Herb. Sibolangit);3 Herb. Lab. Techn. Bot. Delft: possibly some Java orchids, material of Java trees (common species),1 and some Sumatra plants (e.g. from Laut Tawar in Atjeh),3 also fossil woods and material in formalin; Mining Inst. Delft: fossil leaf impressions.

He sent living plants to Hort. Delft.

Owner of a collection of water-colours of Javanese orchids.



(1) F.C. van Heurn: ‘Het land Bolang en zijn natuurlijke rijkdommen’ (Ind. Gids 49, 1927, p. 577-592, 697-721); cf. also Hand. 21 ste Ned. Nat. en Geneesk. Congr. 1927, Amsterdam.

(2) cf. C. van Overeem in Trop. Nat. 14, 1925, p. 155.

(3) for his Atjeh trips cf. Jaarber. Club Ned. Vogelk. 11, 1921, p. 4-19, and l.c. 12, 1922, p.66-68; ‘De gronden van het cultuurgebied van Sumatra’s-Oostkust en hunne vruchtbaarheid voor cultuurgewassen’ (Dr’s thesis, Amsterdam 1922); ‘De Pinus Merkusii der dennewouden van N. Sumatra en zijn economische beteekenis’ (Tijdschr. Econ. Geogr. no 7, 1923, p. 1-6, 1 fig.); ‘Studiën betreffende den bodem van Sumatra’s Oostkust, zijn uiterlijk en zijn ontstaan’ (Amsterdam 1923, w. map & bibliogr.).

(4) F.C. van Heurn & J.Ph. Pfeiffer: ‘Eenige tot dusver niet beschreven fossiele houtsoorten van Java’ (Versl. gew. verg. Afd. Natuurk. Kon. Akad. Wet. A’dam 37, no 5; transl. into English in the Proceedings 31, 1928, p. 1005-1011, 3 fig.).


biographical data:

Persoonlijkheden in Nederland, 1938, + portr.; bibliogr. in ‘Gedocumenteerde afstammingsstaat van het geslacht van Heurn’.