



Strikwerda, Yme


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1837, Bolsward, Fr., Holland. Died: 1909, Haarlem, Holland.



A steersman, joined the D.E.t. Civil Service in 1859; till 1871 stationed in W. Borneo; on European leave, 1871-73; Assistant Resident at Koeningan (Cheribon Res., W. Java) from 1873 onwards; retired in 1879. A member of the ‘Natuurkundige Vereeniging’ at Batavia.



In 1867 he sent material of Calophyllum inophyllum from W. Borneo to the’Natuurkundige Vereeniging’, from where it was forwarded to Teysmann (Buitenzorg) for identification. In 1875 he once more sent material to Batavia.1

Hort. Bog.: several Borneo rattans (pres. 1867).



(1) cf. Nat. Tijdschr. N.I. 30, 1868, p. 432 and 449; l.c. 31, 1870, p. 183; l.c. 35, 1875, p. 259.