
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Teuscher, R.


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1827, Buttstaedt, Saxony, Germany. Died: March 30, 1884, Bandoeng, Java.



Garden-architect in Holland; in 1851 at Batavia as a soldier in the Dutch army, laying out the garden of the Military Hospital at Weltevreden; subsequently placed under Teysmann in the Buitenzorg Botanic Gardens, but soon bought out, and becoming planter; later Overseer of the Cinchona division of the Botanic Gardens; in 1863 starting a nursery of his own at Batavia in the same locality where the next year the Zoological Garden was founded, of which he was appointed manager; after some disagreement he was dismissed, and once more started a nursery of his own; then successively on a coffee estate near Buitenzorg, starting a tobacco plantation, and finally a nursery at Bandoeng (about 1869). In 1881 he made a voyage to Europe, and in 1882-83 he made some collecting trips in Borneo (see below), subsidized by the D.E.I. Government.

Begonia teuscheri, and Dryopteris teuscheri v.A.v.R. were named after him.


Collecting localities:

1st Borneo trip, 1882.1 Starting from Batavia (May 1); W. Borneo: Pontianak (3-5); ascending the Kapoeas by boat; Sintang (8-10); ascending the Melawie (11) to Nanga Pinch (15) and beyond; G. Lobang (18), Mam (20) and Sg. Mam (20-21), Noeah (24), Sg. Noeah, Bt Boelai and Bt Noeah (25); back at Nanga Pinch (26); G. Taboen (28); from Nanga Pinoh (June 1) ascending the Pinoh River, visiting G. Berinat (2), and back at Nanga Pinch (3); return to Sintang (5), where making preparations for a Kapoeas trip; start from Sintang (16); Silat (19); Smitau (21-23); Sg. Koempai (26); return to Smitau; downstream (29), Bt Toengoel, Silat; visiting the Penein Mts (June 30-July 1); Ketoengouw (= Ketoengau) River; Sintang (4-15), making a trip on the Melawie River (14); descending the Kapoeas to Tempoena (16); Melawie River (17); Sintang (22-29); Biang (July 31-Aug. 3); Sangau (4); Semangkai (5); leaving Meliau (7); arriving at Pontianak (10). 2nd Borneo trip, 1883.2 W. Borneo: Pontianak (Apr. 17-22); Sintang (Apr. 27-May 16); to the Melawie River (17); Nanga Pinoh (21); kp. Noah (29), Kroab (31); Serawej (June 9-13); ascending the Serawej (14); the Nanga Sepan (20), G. Rajah (22); Menoekoeng (27), Kroab (28), climbing the mountain there and proceeding to Noah (29), Bt Boelai (30), Nanga Pinoh (July 3); Sintang (4-27); ascending the Kapoeas to Penein, returning on Aug. 2nd; Sintang (5-12); back at Pontianak (23).



Herb. Bog. [BO]: Borneo collections, including many ferns.3

Hort. Bog.: many living Borneo plants (including orchids) and seeds. As early as 1877 he presented living plants (cultivated specimens) to the Buitenzorg Garden. He evidently sent living plants to Ghent (Belgium) for the ‘Compagnie continentale d’horticulture à Gand’.4



(1) cf. Diary in Tijdschr. Land- en Tuinbouw en Boschcultuur 2, 1887, p. 200, 228, 314; l.c. 3, 1888, p. 270, 307, 347, 403. Reprinted as ‘Dagboek van Teuscher’s eerste reis naar de W. kust van Borneo in 1882’ (Alg. Landb. Wbl. N.I. 19, 1934, p. 202-203, 246, 262-263, 309-310, 386-388, 465-467, 508).

cf. also ‘Teuscher’s speurtochten in Borneo (uit een reisjournaal van 1882)’ (De Orchidee 4, 1935, p. 109-112).

(2) cf. Diary of the 2nd trip in Tijdschr. Land- en Tuinbouw en Boschcultuur 4, 1889, p. 146, 187, 228, 266, 326, 367, 405, 442, 477.

(3) Elaborated by W. Burck: ‘Contributions to the fern-flora of Borneo’ (Ann. Jard. Bot. Buit. 4, 1884, p. 88-100, pl. 7).

cf. also some in H. Christ: ‘Filices Borneenses’ (l.c. 20, 1907, p. 92-140, pl. 3).

(4) cf. Schumann in Pflanzenreich Heft 20, 1904, p. 83.


biographical data:

Javabode, April 22nd, 1884 (reprinted in Sempervirens 13, 1884, p. 195-196); Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936.