


Biographical data


Vuuren, Louis van


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)


Born: 1873, Bandjermasin, Borneo. Died: 1951, Utrecht, Holland.



In 1898 appointed a 2nd lieutenant in the D.E. Indian Army, in 1910 Head of the Encyclopaedic Bureau of the Civil Service Department at Weltevreden (the Bureau was discontinued in 1922). In the latter capacity he travelled over Celebes in 1912-14.1 In 1922 he retired and was subsequently appointed Lecturer at Amsterdam University; since 1926 Professor of Economic Geography at Utrecht; retired now.

Several Indonesian plants were named after him.



The mantris Noerkas and Rachmat (see those) collected in total c. 1500 nos of plants during the van Vuuren Expedition to Celebes in the years 1912-14.



(1) Author of ‘Een woord ter inleiding bij den onderzeeschen vorm van Celebes’ (Nat. Tijdschr. N.I. 76, 1916, p. 119-170); ‘Het Gouvernement Celebes. Proeve eener monographic’ (1920, 1 vol. + maps); and some papers on Sumatra.


biographical data:

Wie is dat? ed. 3-4; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936; Persoonlijkheden in Nederland, 1938, + portr.; Tijd. K.N.A.G. 68, 1951, p. 365-367.