
Collecting localities


Biographical data

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IJzerman, Jan Willem


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1851, Leerdam, Z.H., Holland. Died: 1932, The Hague, Holland



First in Dutch military service; went to the Dutch East Indies in 1873 as railway engineer; retired in 1897. From 1892-96 besides Head of the coal-mining in Sumatra West Coast; 1897-1917 Director of the Oil Company Moeara Enim in Sumatra. For many years president of the Royal Dutch Geographic Society.

Some plants were named after him.


Collecting localities:

Sumatra, probably on the IJzerman Expedition in 1891 (cf. itiner. sub Koorders).



Herb. Bog. [BO]: 2 Sumatra ferns.


biographical data:

Tijdschr. K.N.A.G. 1931, p. 373 (portr.) and l.c. 1932, p. 767; Tijdschr. Ind. Taal-, Land- en Volkenk. 72, 1932, fasc. 3, w. portr.; Bijdr. Taal-, Land- en Volkenk. N.I. 89, 1932, p. I, w. portr.; Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936.


photo gallery:

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Tijdschr. Koninkl. Nederl. Aardrijksk. Genootsch. 2e ser., 48 (1931) 372