
Collecting localities



Biographical data


Groeneveldt, Willem


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)


Born: 1881, Batavia, Java.



Was educated in Europe and returned to the D.E.I. in 1907 as employee of the ‘Nederlandsche Handel Mij’; in 1909 he entered the Civil Service; for several years stationed in Sumatra, filling various offices; in 1922 appointed Assistant Resident of Asahan (Sumatra East Coast), in 1923 in Timor, in 1924 in Soembawa and in 1927 of Agam (Sumatra West Coast, stationed at Fort de Kock); in 1932 Resident of Benkoelen. He retired in 1935, settling at The Hague. He moved to Buitenzorg (Java) early in 1940, and returned to Holland in 1946.

He is interested in nature protection and is the author of some papers dealing with that subject.1

J.J. Smith named some orchids after him.


Collecting localities:

1917-23. Sumatra, especially Sumatra West Coast, e.g. on G. Merapi with Jacobson (May 12, 1919).-1924. Timor.-1924-26. According to his own statements in Soembawa and Flores.-1927-32. Sumatra West Coast: Batang Paloepoeh, Loeboek Sikaping, Loeboek Soelasih, Agam, Bt Batoe Balah, Taloe-Ophir Distr., Bt Batoe Banting, G. Singgalang, Palembajan, Pariaman.-1932-33. Benkoelen Residency, e.g. on P. Enggano (1932).



Especially orchids for J.J. Smith in Hort. and Herb. Bog. [BO], but also other plants; in 1924 a beautiful collection from Timor to Hort. Bog.



(1) ‘Hot natuurmonument Doeseen besar in Benkoelen’ (Versl. N.I. Ver. t. Nat. Besch. for 1935, 1936, p 153-156, fig. 22-23); ‘Bescherming van den wild- en vischstand in de Res. Benkoelen’ (Vetsl. l.c. p. 130-136); etc.


biographical data:

Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936.