
Collecting localities




Versteegh, Christiaan


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1913, Batavia, Java. Died: 1983.



First on monthly pay, later ‘boscharchitect’, in the employ of the D.E. Indian Forest Service. In April 1937 he was stationed at the Forest Research Institute (Buitenzorg), from June 1937-March 1938 at Fort de Kock (Sumatra West Coast), and subsequently at the Forest Research Institute again. Stationed at Hollandia, North New Guinea, since 1952; making numerous informative tours. He left New Guinea in Dec. 1962. Since Oct. 1963 attached to the Plant-anatomical Institute of the Agricultural College at Wageningen.

Parastemon versteeghii Merr. & L.M.Perry was named after him.


Collecting localities:

1937. W. Java: Bandoeng; Sumatra West Coast; Mentawai Islands.-1938. Sumatra West Coast. With the 3rd Archbold Expedition to Dutch New Guinea, itinerary cf. sub L.J. Brass (after the departure of the Dutch Forest Officer Meijer Drees, Versteegh took over the latter’s duties).-1939. Dutch New Guinea, continuation of the 3rd Archbold Expedition (see above); W. Java: G. Bentang (Soekaboemi), Takokah, and Buitenzorg.-1940. E. Java: G. Idjen, G. Baloeran and Djember; W. Java: Buitenzorg; S. Sumatra: Palembang, with Noerkamal-1941. SE. Borneo with Noerkamal.-From 1952 onwards. West New Guinea: Waigeo; Prafi Plain near Manokwari; Cyclops Mts, near Pioneer Bivouac on the Mamberamo River; Holtekang, Humboldt Bay, savannahs near Merauke (S. coast); Anggi Lakes (Arfak Mts); near Hollandia; Sidai, W of Manokwari; Meos Noem, Japen; Kebar Plain (W of Manokwari); Wissel Lakes; on the Tami River near the Australian border; Manokwari, Orapsbari and on the island Meos Waar. In 1954 he collected with P. van Royen (see there) in Papua and the Mand. Terr. of New Guinea (June 15-July 12). 1954. Anggi Lakes with J.F.U. Zieck a.o. (Feb.).1-1956. Forest area near Sausapor, NW. coast Vogelkop Peninsula (2nd half Oct.).-1957. Oransbari; S. New Guinea: Digoel R. (Koeweh, Wage, Nanggoe, Getenteri, Omba, Sabekahang, Waghabang, Tanah Merah) (Nov. 12-22).-1958. W. New Guinea: Beriat and Wersar, near Teminaboean (Apr. 18-May 5); with F.A.W. Schram in Ajamaroe area (Ajamaroe, Semoe, Jokwer, Kamboeaja, Djitmao, Fan, Tehahg, Aitinjo, Erokwero, Joksoro, Awit, Ewai, Mos, Kami, Itaro, Koa, Temmaboean, Skendi (May); Oransbari (Sept. 18); Biak I.-1959. Biak I. with W. Vink (Kg. Landbouw, Son, Bosnik, Parjerie, Siapis = Siabes) (Feb. 18-25).-1960. Sekoli Plain, S of Lake Sentani (Feb.-Mar.); P. Adi (Aug. 12-20); Mt Genofa near Kaimana (Aug. 23-30); Kebar Valley (Andjai, Mt Watjetoni, Mt Nettoti) (Nov. 20-Dec. 2).-1961. E part of Arfak Plain (Masni) (Feb. 24-29); Baliem Valley (Wiligimaan) (June).-1962. With C. Koster to central part Arfak Mts (Minjambau, Mt Antop, Mt Nerimbau, Mt Lensemoi) (May 16-28).2-From 1957-62: surroundings of Hollandia in N. New Guinea (Noordwijk, Kloofkamp, Hamadi, Berg en Dal, Renauwen, Dojo, Dozai); surroundings of Manokwari in W. New Guinea (Maripi, Maroeni, Andai, Arfai, Saowi, Wosi, Fanindi, Manggoapi, Amban, Tafelberg, Borasi, Pasir Poetih).



Herb. For. Res. Inst. Buitenzorg [BZF]: some hundreds of numbers from W. Sumatra and Mentawai Islands; some tens from Java; > 300 from S. Sumatra, Palembang etc., all numbered in the F.R.I. bb. or Ja. series; dupl. Brass & Versteegh New Guinea. Dupl. in Herb. Bog. [BO].

Collections from 1952 onwards in Herb. Leiden [L], and Manokwari [MAN], numbered in the B.W. series (in 1957 ± 800) and some tens of numbers in the series of van Royen (see there). Mostly only few numbers were collected, but more near Anggi Lakes (56), Kebar Plain (41), Cyclops Mts (47), Wissel Lakes (127), Oransbari and Meos Waar (80).



(1) J.F.U. Zieck: ‘B.W. orientatietournee Ransiki-Anggi-meren’ (Manokwari 1954, typewritten); ‘De Anggimeren’ (Ned. Nieuw Guinee 3, no 7, 1955, p. 7-10). And cf. W. Vink in Nova Guinea, Bot. 22, 1965, p. 490, fig. 3.

(2) Cf. W. Vink in Nova Guinea, Bot. 22, 1965, p. 493-494, fig. 6.