


Biographical data


Schierbrand, Wolf C. von


(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)

(Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)


Born: 1807, Bautzen, Germany. Died: 1888, Dresden, Germany.



Colonel, with the Royal Engineers from 1853-?; honorary member of the Natural History Society Isis at Dresden.

A general who evidently collected birds round Bandjermasin in the 1850s and presented them to the Austrian Frigate ‘Novara’ during the latter’s scientific voyage round the world, 1857-59 (cf. Fl. Mal. vol. 1 sub Jelinek).2

Is cited as the collector of a plant in Java (cf. Mez in Pflanzenreich 9, 1901, p. 32). He might be identical with the author of a travel account on this island.1 It seems probable that he is the collector of the Java plants (cf. Fl. Mal. vol. 1, p. 467) as he also collected Java birds,3 and is the author of the published manuscript, in which case he must have been in Indonesia for over thirty years at least.



Herb. Vienna [W]: at least 6 Java plants collected by Schierbrand (no initials).



(1) W.C. von Schierbrandt: ‘Reisebericht aus Java in den Jahren 1825-1826 (für die Familie and Freunde als Manuskript herausgeg. von A. Schöne)’ (Königsberg 1888) (non vidi).

(2) Cf. B.E. Smythies in Sarawak Mus. J. 7, 1957, p. 533-534.

(3) Cf. G.C.A. Junge in Ardea 41, 1954, p. 308.


biographical data:

De Indische Navor-Scher 3, 1937, p. 94, portr.